Zahradní a krajinářská architekta
Kudrlina Kafe
Karolina Kadlčáková
Etikety Špalek NATUREL
Poučné ilustrace pro FF Upol
Přebal edice Dálný Východ
Kinedok plakáty
Letiště 2023
Adventní kalendář
Ilustrace 2023
Tvarůžková cukrárna Loštice
Triptych ilustrací "situationship"
Fineli Flowers
Riso tisk SHAPING 2022
Pohlednice pro PdF Upol
Omalovánky 400let UP
Palacky University postcards
Festival Letiště karneval 2022
Design stánku VUP
Design of a coffee label for brewery collab TVARG
Evropa spolu
Summer collection for dog brand Dolce Hafana
Dog collar "space doggo"
Dolce Hafana dog treats
Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého brand visual
Poster Podoby portrétu
Street art illustration for TVARG brewery
Hungry catto
Dog collar design and custom illustrations
Illustrations for TVARG beercraft
Program flyer and poster for university film club
Academia Film Olomouc: AFO 56 junior
Academia Film Olomouc 2020 Temporary Tattoos
Illustrations 2020
2020 posters
A quiet place
Czech winter
Flyer Pastiche
Perfect Teeth logotyp design and branding identity
Walk and coffee
4+1 3+kk Robert Buček
Walk to work
Manifesto Poster
Sametová noc 2019 Festival visual design
Christmas postcards with czech recipes in english
Libento&Dr. Pribyl dentist logotyp and brand identity
Comics about small village near Olomouc.
Memory game AFO junior 2019
Shopping addict
Visual Identity for hotel in Apls 2017
Set of wall art illustrations for UPoint
ICONS for hotel resorts
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